
AI for Data Analysis in Marketing and Advertising

Attendees joined ARF in NYC for two workshops – a morning session tailored for professionals without a background in coding, and an afternoon session for data scientists, analysts, engineers, and other data science professionals – that highlighted how to utilize LLMs to analyze example datasets. Additionally, attendees had the chance to participate in real-time AI tool demonstrations.

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How Social Media Platforms Affect Music Consumption

  • MSI

Are social media platforms compensating musical artists enough for their IP? Although music companies claim social platforms cannibalize sales, the platforms say they give artists much needed exposure. Who is correct? The study examines the impact of TikTok on music consumption and revenue. It highlights what TikTok pays studios and discusses the concerns from Universal Music Group (UMG) regarding inadequate compensation for its artists.

Additionally, it mentions that videos on TikTok function as promotional materials or trailers for full-length productions. The study uses a  difference-in-difference model to analyze the data. It concludes that music labels can sharpen their licensing agreements based on the findings.

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Current Opportunities and Challenges VR Presents for Advertisers

  • Journal of Advertising Research

Before the resurgence in interest in AI, virtual reality was the technology everyone was excited about. Despite the hype, advertisers have been slow to adopt VR environments. Why is this? This study, which was recently made available early online on the Journal of Advertising Research’s website, explores the potential and challenges of VR environments for advertising in its current state.

Widespread adoption has stalled, the study finds, due to obstacles such as limited reach, anticipated lack of ROI, lack of technical expertise and poor interoperability. However, the metaverse offers unique opportunities for advertisers, leaving a sort of resonating impact that other media cannot convey, because they do not engage the user in as immersive an experience as VR offers.

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Lower AI Literacy Predicts Greater Receptivity to AI this Study Finds

  • MSI

The study explores the relationship between consumers' AI literacy and their receptivity to this emerging technology. What is AI literacy you ask? This refers to a person's degree of objective knowledge about AI, while receptivity refers to the extent to which a consumer is interested in having AI complete tasks. The study finds that contrary to popular belief, people with lower AI literacy exhibit greater receptivity towards AI-based products and services. What’s more, this relationship persists across a broad range of receptivity measures.

The research offers both theoretical and practical contributions. Theoretically, it contributes to the growing literature on psychological responses to AI, by focusing on understanding whether systematic differences across individuals predict differences in AI receptivity. Practically, the results suggest that attempts to increase the adoption of AI-based products and services through targeting consumers with greater AI literacy or increasing knowledge of AI may not be the most effective.

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The Impact of Avatar Presence on Consumer Behavior in VR Environments

  • Journal of Advertising Research

This set of two studies, recently published on the Journal of Advertising Research’s website, investigates the impact of retail store employee avatar presence on consumer behavior within virtual reality environments. Not much research has investigated avatars in this context and what influence they may have on consumer attitudes and behavior.

This study duo reveals that consumers experience aversive responses to employee avatar presence in embarrassing shopping settings, such as the purchase of condoms or adult diapers. It also demonstrates that employee avatars decrease consumers' purchase behavior, including time and money spent on a purchase in embarrassing VR contexts. Consumers are also less likely to recall the brand of an embarrassing product.

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